Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Glory Story: The Shadow of the Almighty

Intercessors in the Western States Continue Daily Psalm 91 Prayer Call


Most of us remember where we were as the news rolled in of the ways the Covid-19 pandemic began changing our lives. For intercessors in the mountain states, they know exactly where they were: on their knees in prayer.

On March 14th, 2020, Gina Gibson, the western National Area Leader, faithfully followed the leading of the Holy Spirit to invite prayer warriors to join together and pray Psalm 91 over our hurting world and nation. The Lord’s instruction was clear: pray Psalm 91 until the burden is lifted. This psalm is known as a prayer for protection. The Lord has not lifted the burden from Gina’s heart, so every morning since March 14th, intercessors in the western states have prayed Psalm 91.

“Each call begins with the reading of Psalm 91,” said Marilyn Bennett, an NDP city coordinator in Arizona. Marilyn did not miss a prayer call from March to October. “We have read from approximately a dozen translations, and we continue to unpack the great and precious promises of this covenant.”

The call lasts for 15 minutes each morning, starting at 8 a.m. MT. The time limit creates a sense of certainty: anyone who has just 15 minutes in their schedule can fully participate. It also adds urgency to the prayers: there is no dawdling. Intercessors must come with hearts prepared and intentional prayers to maximize their short time together.

On any given morning, there are between 8-20 regular call attendees ready to fervently pray the psalm.

“We’ve seen God introduce perfect strangers from five different states, and then knit our hearts together to transform is from strangers to siblings,” Marilyn said. She has taken up a mantle of leadership in the Psalm 91 group—she leads the Monday call. “I learned that our hearts beat passionately for those whom we pray for and those whom we pray with.”

After someone reads Psalm 91, the group lifts up prayers together for a wide range of needs. At times they are praying the psalm’s words over our nation as a whole for things like natural disasters, the pandemic and the Body of Christ as a whole. They also pray the promises over key government leaders and one other.

“There is safety in the secret place, and each reading grants new insights and comfort,” Marilyn said. “Mountains that stand in our way get up and move when we pray.”

Prayer cultivates a heart tender towards the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Gina and other intercessors laid a foundation of prayer and a well-worn path from earth to the shelter of the Most High. Through the habit of faithfulness, these prayer warriors continue to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit to pray the Lord’s protection, love and life over each other, our nation and our world.


"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High

 will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,

    my God, in whom I trust.”

-Psalm 91:1-2


If you are interested in joining the Psalm 91 call, email Gina Gibson, at