Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Community Event

  • Host a neighborhood dessert potluck at your home and enjoy a time of prayer for the community.
  • Have a prayer station at the YMCA.
  • 7 Centers of Influence: Create prayer stations featuring prayer needs and tangible items from each of the following areas of influence in our society: Government, Military, Media, Family, Church, Education, and Business. In addition, you could invite representatives from each to share briefly and pray. Feel free to use the NDP prayer guides and resources to assist you, found at
  • Get local bankers to advertise NDP on their marquee signs. Ask for permission to hang NDP banners from main street light poles (local businessmen may help cover the costs if asked).
  • Bring fresh flower arrangements to the offices of local officials with a card commemorating NDP.
  • In March or April, have an NDP information booth at a community fair. Give away prizes, such as an NDP Stickers, NDP Bookmark, etc that are found at Also, have a sign-up list for anyone willing to help on your local organizing committee.
  • At your local observance, have a senior citizen give testimony of a long life spent walking with the Lord and how prayer has affected his or her life.
  • Ask local cable access TV stations to provide coverage of your event and notify nursing homes, hospitals and other places where people are “shut in” of how they can view that coverage.
  • Station people around your downtown area with an NDP sign and invited them to stop for a moment to pray for the country and our leaders.
  • Begin your observance with a Rabbi or Cantor from your local synagogue sounding the shofar, the traditional Jewish ram's horn used to call the people to prayer.
  • Commit to "adopt" a city, county, state or federal official and commit to praying for that person for one year. Send a note to the official stating that you'll be keeping them in prayer on a regular basis throughout the coming year. Communicate regularly with your official to remind him/her of your commitment and ask for specific prayer requests.
  • Ask local businesses to advertise for the National Day of Prayer on their social media pages.
  • Invite a local high school band to perform at your National Day of Prayer observance. A color guard, composed of area military personnel or Boy/Girl Scouts, could present the colors at your community event. Let the Scouts know that their participation in the event will help fulfill the requirements for the “God and Country” badge.
  • Invite local veterans and active duty military personnel in your community to an observance honoring them specifically. This could be held at the community's veterans’ memorial. Chaplains, military bands and honor guards can be included in the program.
  • Write a letter to local public officials inviting them to your community observance, listing time, location and speakers. Let them know they will personally be prayed for. If they are unable to attend, ask for specific prayer requests. Include information from our History page.
  • Contact advertising companies for a donation of space on city bus advertisements.
  • Call your local cable television or newspaper and ask that a notice of your local National Day of Prayer observance be included in their community calendar. Generally, this is a free service.
  • Contact nearby prison chaplains and encourage them to plan a National Day of Prayer observance for the inmates. Better yet, ask the chaplains to encourage the inmates to organize the observance themselves. Make NDP Posters available for them to post on bulletin boards.
  • Ask if an NDP observance can be held at a local juvenile home. Bring a group to the home to pray for God's will in the lives of these young people, for reconciliation with their families and for His direction in their futures. Pass out NDP Bookmarks to the residents.
  • Contact hospitals in your city and request that a small card be placed on patient trays at lunchtime on the National Day of Prayer. Create table tents.
  • Bible-Reading Marathon: organize a team from your church, or multiple churches, to read portions of scripture, or the entire Bible, for a selected period of time leading up to the National Day of Prayer.