Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Glory Story: Fervent in Prayer

Believers in Massachusetts start a weekly prayer call


The National Day of Prayer observance held the first Thursday of every May is one day to celebrate the prayer that we are called to participate in 365 days a year!

In Massachusetts, God moved among a core group of believers on the 2020 National Day of Prayer. After their powerful virtual observance via Zoom, many attendees asked how they could continue together in strategic, sustained prayer. State coordinator Angelo Rajadurai stepped into the open door the Lord provided and started a Friday prayer group to pray for the state of Massachusetts.

“These are powerful prayers by prayerful people,” said Michael Noonan, a local NDP coordinator in Massachusetts. “The regular theme is for leaders in our state to have a heart for the Lord.”

Prior to the 2020 National Day of Prayer, Michael joined Angelo in prayer for Massachusetts starting in March as part of an effort to strengthen prayer networks within the state and pave the way for the state observance event. Little did the two men know that their commitment to pray together would bear the burden of a shifting world and multiply in the hearts of fellow believers.

“Prayer can move mountains, and on Friday night we are on that assignment,” Michael said.

On Friday mornings, Angelo sends the group a scripture to meditate on throughout the day to prepare hearts to go before God in prayer. A faithful group of local clergy and prayer warriors gather each Friday night on a Zoom call to lift up state leaders, church leaders and spiritual and social issues.

“Churches are coming together—there is a great spirit of unity,” Michael said. “The prayer time is organized, while letting the Spirit lead, and people jump in to pray.”

In this way, the group intercedes for before the Lord for the people, situations, and issues that burden their hearts—it is a way to practice turning to the Lord in prayer for every matter and concern, as if converting the news into prayer prompts. Such a diligent group mirrors the early Church and the early stages of revival through history: small groups dedicated to petitioning the heart of God that ignite revival.

Prayer warriors in the group are always looking for new people to join in agreement and prayer with them. Some weeks the number joining the call swells, while other times there are just a few. Regardless of the number, their hearts seek God’s will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

“Angelo has been like glue in the sustainability of the Friday prayers,” Michael said.

Praise God for the movement of His Spirit to encourage people to pray for their state, and we thank Him for the tireless efforts and endurance of our state coordinators. Truly, God is moving through the disciplined, strategic and fervent prayers of believers!

“All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.” Acts 1:14

If you are interested in praying for Massachusetts, please contact the state coordinator, Angelo Rajadurai, at, to connect with the prayer group.