Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Glory Story: Duets of Prayer

South Dakota prayer warriors join together with Nehemiah Response


In the book of Jonah, we see a man running from the assignment God had given him because it felt overwhelming.

When Amy Wagner, South Dakota state coordinator, first heard about the 52-day Nehemiah Response initiative, she thought ‘am I really going to do that every day?’

Amy did not run from God like Jonah—after a moment of recognizing the divine call, she stepped up to participate in the Nehemiah Response by posting a prayer for America on her social media every day for 52 days. She shared the initiative with her network of prayer warriors across South Dakota and began posting prayers. One of the prayer warriors who took up the call was Dorothy, a prayer partner and friend whom Amy met on the Nightwatch prayer event.

“God’s Spirit flows through us like a duet,” Dorothy said.

The two women have spent hours in prayer together over the last decade, praying for issues in their state, and now, for their country.

“We harmonize in prayer,” Amy said.

Amy wakes up every morning thinking about going to Scripture to hear the voice of the Lord and be divinely inspired on how to pray. She is also a prayer leader at her church and has been leading by example to encourage believers in her congregation to lift up the nation to the Lord.

Dorothy has been seeing God work through the interactions with her prayers on social media. Unbelievers are seeing and interacting with her prayers!

“I have been getting thank yous from people, and it’s giving me something to pray for,” Dorothy said. “When they say thank you or see my post, they’re not feeling my decision to participate, they’re feeing the Holy Spirit.”

It’s easy to fall into the habit of turning on the news or scrolling social media to look for the next big outrage—but the Lord has abundantly more in store when we engage His heart in prayer.

“I love waking up knowing I have an assignment from God,” Dorothy said. “When God gives you an assignment, He gives you the energy so it’s fun. He moves through it—this is joyful for me!”

In the abundant life of a follower of Christ, we know that we are joined together with God and with the entire body—the Church. When we stand together in prayer, our faith is strengthened, and our prayers take on a new fervor. Amy and Dorothy are a powerful example of praying in agreement to multiply their petitions to heaven.

“I have already experienced a better peace, and I hope to experience a great awakening—I know everybody wants that same thing,” Amy said. “It may not look like anything we have ever seen before, by breaking out in worship outside the walls of the church buildings.”


“Meremoth son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, repaired the next section. Next to him Meshullam son of Berekiah, the son of Meshezabel, made repairs, and next to him Zadok son of Baana also made repairs.” Nehemiah 3:4 (emphasis added)

Listen as Amy Wagner shares her prayerful hope of what God will do through the Nehemiah Response prayers and beyond.