Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Glory Story: Call Out to the Lord

Each Month, NDP Hosts a “Pray For America” Phone Call

On the first Thursday of each month, believers across the country dial in to pray for America for the monthly NDP Pray for America call. When people call in, they have the chance to hear from leaders across the country for praise reports and prayer requests, and, of course, go before the throne of God in prayer together.

These calls are just one of the ways NDP mobilizes prayer for America throughout the year. National Area Leaders take turns hosting the call each month. They invite state coordinators and other leaders in their network to share and lead in prayer.

One of the most powerful moments of the PFA calls are when the phone lines are opened up for a few moments during prayer. Dozens of voices join together in a chorus of prayer, calling out to glorify God and seek His will. It’s an auditory glimpse into to movement of the Holy Spirit—people who are across the country crying out with one voice.

“When we are done, we have accomplished so much in the heavenlies,” said Sue Stoltz, the Midwest National Area Leader.

Sue led the September PFA call and invited leaders who are involved with current events in the month of September: the Missouri secretary of state, whose office processed voter registrations for National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 22, and Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessup, who led a prayer gathering in Washington D.C. on Sept. 26.

State coordinators had a moment to share as well. Oklahoma leaders asked for prayer over land use negotiations in Oklahoma between Native American tribal leadership and the state government, while Michigan leaders shared a praise report for increased prayer for cities and peaceful protests.

“It helps to be informed, to hear from leaders and seeing where God is moving,” Sue said. “When we see where God is moving, let’s join Him.”

God also is moving by drawing hearts to prayer. Dorothy, a local NDP coordinator in North Carolina, joined the Prayer For America call for the first time after see the information on the NDP Facebook page.

“It just gave a faith boost to hear people from all over the U.S. praying, to hear such a beautiful sound,” Dorothy said. “God loved it.”

One of the final speakers on the call was a high school girl, Elizabeth, who prayed for God to move on her generation.

“That young woman gave me real hope that young people are praying and being taught to pray,” Dorothy said.

Prayer is caught, not taught. Therefore, it is important work to join believers in prayer both to praise God for His provision and lift up needs. To grow in prayer with practice is to strengthen a relationship with Christ.

“Having mature pray-ers helps the Body of Christ mature in prayer,” Sue said.


“I cry to you, O Lord;
    I say, ‘You are my refuge,
    my portion in the land of the living.’”

Psalm 142:8


To find the information for our next monthly Pray for America call, click here for our next prayer call, or click here for our Facebook. Like and follow for info and reminders about prayer calls and other prayer events!