Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Glory Story: A Step Forward in Faith

Pennsylvania Couple Refreshed and Refocused after NDP

When we put our faith in Christ and receive the Holy Spirit we begin a lifelong journey, but so often our focus shifts away fromthe Spirit and towards the things of the world.

This is why a national day of prayer is important—believers put aside our usual habits to come together in agreement to refocus on the unseen blessings of the Lord, pressing toward the fullness of God!

The National Day of Prayer broadcast was a time of joy for Sandi H., who lives in Westchester, Pennsylvania. She and her husband tuned into the broadcast after hearing about it on The 700 Club.

“It was refreshing and reassuring, knowing you’re not alone,” Sandi said. “There was something special on the broadcast; the presence of God was with us.”

Sandi had never attended an NDP gathering before this broadcast, but she and her husband quickly jumped into prayer and worship alongside leaders and other believers.

God created us to live and worship in community, and this broadcast brought a deeper understanding of the richness of the body of Christ. Paul’s letters remind congregation members and churches that they are of one body and spirit—a divine connection that goes far above any physical presence.

“I loved the visuals of people praying in groups. It was real, it was authentic… I believe our prayers together made a difference,” Sandi said. “I just kept praying and thinking globally, because this pandemic has touched the whole world.”

The pandemic has touched Sandi’s life as well. With the closure of nonessential businesses, her work in luxury retail dried up in early March, but she is determined not to waste this new free time or allow fear to overtake her.

“Before all this happened, I was needing a break. Now I’m spending more time in prayer, and less time rushing around doing the things of regular life that I would get caught up doing,” Sandi said.

Prior to NDP, Sandi had been spending more time with the Lord, seeking guidance and wisdom for the next step in life. The Lord used the NDP broadcast to encourage Sandi and draw her heart into focus on what He is doing, even when God’s plan appears clouded by the uncertainties of the world.

Our response to any situation should be faithfulness, and an active effort to put our hope in the Lord, trusting Him to bring all things together in His perfect timing.

“I felt like progress had been made, my heart was full,” Sandi said. “I know our prayers together would reach out and affect this whole pandemic. I’m thankful to the Lord for having the opportunity to experience and, most of all, participate in the prayer time.”

“But when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now, we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.” -1 Corinthians 13:10-13


Click below to hear Sandi share about her experience with the NDP observance!