Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Glory Story: Declaring Glory From the Heavens

Believers pray over our nation from the sky with PrayerFlight

On the National Day of Prayer, believers across our nation hosted Zoom prayer meetings or gathered in socially distant groups, while others boarded aircraft to pray.

PrayerFlight is a national organization that partners pilots and prayer warriors to fly together and pray over a specific geographic area on the National Day of Prayer.

“There was a lot of passion this year,” said Kim Stevens, the national coordinator for PrayerFlight. “Believers are being called to prayer more, and we are getting a better understanding of what is happening spiritually.”

The organization recognized PrayerFlights registered in 41 states. Some PrayerFlights were modified for the sake of health precautions, with family members being the only ones in the planes, while some pilots chose to focus on prayer in their home this year. Roughly 65 PrayerFlight pilots took to the skies on or around the National Day of Prayer and over a dozen pilots flew a PrayerFlight for the first time!

“We are not trying to check boxes,” Stevens said. “My hope is that everyone participates for the right reason—they’re passionate about the Lord and prayer.

As a first-time pilot this year, Marty enjoyed merging two of his passions: aviation and prayer. Though he has known about the organization for a few years, 2020 was the first year the weather in central Indiana allowed for safe flights.

“On NDP, we take to the sky and feel God’s peace,” said Marty, who lives in Fishers, Indiana.

The Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis, Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, joined Marty and another parishioner, Jolene, on the flight from Fishers to Indianapolis.

“The word for bishop in Greek comes from episcope—meaning oversight. Participating in National Prayer Flight by praying over the geographic area in my care—in my oversight—was profound,” Bishop Baskerville-Burrows said. “The people in the congregations of the Diocese of Indianapolis and the workers, leaders, and legislators that help govern us are always in my prayer. However, to literally pray over our region during a time of pandemic and crisis seems fitting and right. To share this experience with two faithful leaders of our diocese made it even more meaningful.”

As Marty and his passengers looked out over the landscape, he felt a great equalizing of the area in his mind’s eye. Individual people, homes and roads blend together, and prayer warriors in the plane were reminded to pray for the things that we all have in common as people: our need for Jesus, and all the ways that sin and pain impact our lives.

“It was powerful to see Bishop Baskerville-Burrows in action, especially as a member of the church,” Marty said. “I didn’t expect the whole experience to be that powerful. I have never taken prayer to the skies, because usually I am so focused on flying.”

Marty has over 15 years of experience in general aviation, and many more years of following Jesus. Through PrayerFlight, Marty and other pilots like him are able to use God-given passions and skills to glorify God, and bring others into a unique situation to pray on the National Day of Prayer.

“For Your faithful love is as high as the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. God, be exalted above the heavens; let Your glory be over the whole earth.” -Psalm 57:10-11

Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows and Marty pose with the plane following their PrayerFlight over Indianapolis and the surrounding suburbs.

Bishop Jennifer Baskerville Burrows and Marty pose with the plane following their PrayerFlight over Indianapolis and the surrounding suburbs.