Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Seek the Father's Face


Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

Psalm 105:4 NIV


Several weeks ago, I was sitting at an airport gate waiting to board a flight that had been delayed several times throughout the afternoon and into the night. Some of the long-waiting passengers began to shift the atmosphere of the gate area as there was an unfortunate amount of misinformation that began the disruption followed by an unusual lack of communication throughout the multiple delays and various groups of employees pointing the finger at one another for the issues that as it turns out was mostly due to extreme weather issues that no one could control.

The crowd’s negative boisterous words went from disheartening to concerning as time passed by. I was quite surprised when they let us board late that night as the tempers of many of the passengers almost reached a threatening level. As all of this erupted around me, I prayed continually and was delightfully distracted by an adorable baby boy, not old enough to crawl, sitting on his father’s lap. Every time someone yelled out or the crowd groaned the baby would be startled and immediately turn to look at his father’s face. As long as the father was smiling at him, he was fine. He never cried once during the hours and hours of waiting. No matter how loud and rude the crowd grew, he knew he was safe and secure in the arms of his father. The father did not appear bothered by the wait or the atmosphere at the gate; all his affection and attention was on his son.

The biblical lesson of seeking our heavenly Father’s face always and looking to Him for strength was being played out right before my eyes. We live in a world where moods and movements shift in a moment. The atmosphere of our cities and country changes day-by-day, but we worship an unchanging God who is our refuge, strength, and joy in all earthly circumstances. Our heavenly situation is not shaken or swayed by earthly activities. Always seek the Father’s face knowing He supplies all we need to remain fruitful even when everyone around us is fretting and upsetting.

What is going on in your life, family, city, America or around the world that concerns you or even breaks your heart? Don’t let it break you. Instead look to the face of God and His Word for courage and comfort. Remind yourself of His power and praise Him. Be filled with the Truth, not rumors and opinions. Draw closer to the I AM and stay away from the “what ifs.” Remember whose you are and who you are – His beloved child. Look to your heavenly Father always in all things.

Like Mother’s Day weekend, this is a tender time. As we step into this Father’s Day weekend, we pray that you can take time to remember the times your dad cared for, comforted, and encouraged you. We pray that he helped you grow and hopefully know the Lord. In this ungodly time where fatherlessness is an epidemic, we are praying that you had Christian men in your life who mentored and discipled you with the love of Jesus. Always know that your eternal heavenly Father who created you and has carried you through every moment of your life loves you more than you will ever understand, and when you look towards His face He will always show you His great love.

Will you please pray with me?

Heavenly Father, we pray for earthly dads around the world to be filled with Your Spirit, love and wisdom and to teach their children the Word and ways of God. We pray that all dads would study Your Word, walk in Your ways Lord and worship You in all they put their heart, hand and mind to do. We pray that they would disciple their children in Your perfect way and be the light in their family, workplace, and community just as You have called them to shine. Remind them Lord, that Your light in them can dispel the darkness and defeat the enemy in every earthly circumstance. Please strengthen them we pray, as we keep our eyes fixed on You and pray in the name of Your precious Son and our Savior, Amen!

Serving Him with gladness,


Kathy Branzell
