Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Glory story: Neither Jew nor Greek

Marylander woman celebrated Christian unity in prayer during NDP Observance


For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” -Galatians 3:27-28

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with believers of different races, economic statuses and traditions all proclaiming Jesus Christ to be our one hope and savior. For the body of Christ within America, the National Day of Prayer is a time to focus on our shared blood—the blood of Jesus that covers and redeems us.

“I was just so blessed by hearing so many different people pray and by the amazing sense of unity - no denominational divisions, no political divisions,” said Jennifer, who watched the NDP national observance broadcast from her home outside Baltimore. “I loved that you had government representatives from both parties read scripture! I have become hungry to see God's Church become fervent in prayer.”

Jennifer saw a dream God put in her heart realized on the National Day of Prayer: participating in corporate prayer with brothers and sisters intent on humble prayer before God. We can assume that any time we pray, somebody else is praying too, but that is no substitute for praying together as a body. Jennifer has struggled, because she has a deep desire to pray together with other believers. She lives alone, and her connections with her Christian community and friends play a large role in her day to day life.

“This season of isolation has been so hard on me. I am single and I live alone, but I am not a loner,” Jennifer said. “This has been a time of real struggle for me, and I have felt a lot of fear at being ‘alone.’ [During the broadcast], I felt very far from alone as I participated with believers all over the country. As I listened to people praying on Zoom or in small groups being broadcast, it was so real to me how we were all over the country, praying together. God touched me so deeply and encouraged me tremendously!”

Recently, Jennifer said that the Lord convicted her that prayer is the spiritual work we do as believers to see God’s Kingdom come. She is moving into a prayer life beyond asking for a list of things, to what she calls a ‘divine conversation.’ For Jennifer, her prayer time is now spent listening to God and responding to Him, whether passages in scripture or a nudge from the Holy Spirit.

“This time of quarantine has been challenging me focus on letting God be strength and satisfaction, when others fill that usually,” Jennifer said. “Building a prayer life is really refreshing, I am listening to God in His word.”

The National Day of Prayer observance came at a great time to bless Jennifer, not only with the joy and power of corporate prayer, but the companionship of fellow believers standing in the truth of scripture. In times of prayer, believers are in the presence of God—never alone, because His Spirit dwells in the hearts of believers.

Praise God for the unity of believers joining together in prayer, and His provision of meeting the needs of our hearts!