Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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United Prayer – A Lenten and Lengthen Season of United Prayer

“These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer,” Acts 1:14 NAS

As we step into the season before Easter known as Lent, we are aware that many Christians do not necessarily observe Lent in its original 40-day fast or other traditions as observed in some denominations, but we can all agree that it is important to remember Jesus’ days, words and events leading up to His crucifixion as well as taking time to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Resurrection Sunday.

For the next few weeks leading up to Easter we will be posting Scripture and short prayers on our Facebook and Instagram pages to bring us TOGETHER in united prayer. Many of us have been physically or emotionally isolated for far too long and it is our hope that we can bring the Body of Christ together in prayer that will result in seeing the hand of God move in our lives, cities, and nation.

United prayer is powerful in many ways. In Acts chapter one we see the eleven disciples, Peter and John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James come to the upper room together to pray continually with “one mind,” along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. Our first thought might be, “That is one amazing prayer gathering!” but the power of the Spirit is not increased or diminished by the name or fame of the people praying, but He is moved by the hearts of the people praying. United prayer delights the heart of the Father who desires to answer His Son’s prayer request for His followers to “be one.” Glory, honor, and praise are at stake when God’s people come together to pray.

United prayer builds intimacy with God and one another. It builds trust, and households, churches, ministries, and movements all move at the speed of trust. United prayer builds courage and power as you lay your burdens and lift up praise to focus on who God is, all that He is, and if He is for us, who can be against us. It ignites worship and extinguishes worry as we remind one another of His goodness and faithfulness—all that He has seen us through in the past and believing together what He can carry us through today and all of our tomorrows.

Our prayer together makes us look at our fellow prayer warriors differently; we see the image of God in them, the power of God working through them, the family connection that deserves protection, a little more patience, kindness, goodness. We open our hearts to the Spirit and His work, as it is to our Father’s glory that we bear much fruit, and so we pray that you will join us for this season of united prayer that will prepare our hearts for Easter and be the persistent pattern of prayer we celebrate on the National Day of Prayer.

Will you please join me in prayer now?

Heavenly Father, we unite in agreement with Jesus’ prayer and ask that you would unite us so that the world would know You and know Your Son that You sent to take away the sin of the world. Unite us in prayer and in love so that the Church would be known by the character of faith and love; that we would live differently with a burden for our neighbors, our cities and nation that send us to our knees in fervent prayer, faith-filled prayer for them and then in these days of united prayer You will show us and strengthen us to go out each day and do Your will as Your children for Your glory. Unite us as we commit to pray, love You, and seek You together every day.


Kathy Branzell


National Day of Prayer Task Force