Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Pausing to Say, "Thank You"

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. Colossians 2:6-7 NASB

We pray that you had a very Merry Christmas reflecting on God coming to dwell with us, Emmanuel! Before we rush into 2022, we want to pause to overflow with gratitude. No one has a perfect life or family; we receive prayer requests every day that take us to our knees before God asking Him to draw the lost to Him, to heal hearts, bodies, and relationships, to be the Prince of Peace and bring His presence into crisis and glorify Himself in what seems like impossible situations, and more. We all have prayer requests; stories of less-than-perfect, even downright hurt-filled lives that need the touch of God and tenderness of godly friends. Thank you for allowing us to be your prayer partners. Thank you for trusting us with your stories and for the honor of praying for you. We never take that great trust or responsibility lightly but run boldly to our Heavenly Father to ask for His help for our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you.

We are overflowing with gratitude for every one of you, our subscribers who read these articles and watch our Friday Facebook and Instagram videos and pray with us. Thank you for armoring up and locking shields with us to run into battle every day and fight the evil enemy of this world with heavenly weapons of warfare in prayer. Thank you for every prayer that you have prayed with us and for us. Thank you for interceding for our nation, for your prayers for the Church, Family, Education, Business, Government, Military, Arts, Entertainment and Media. Thank you for taking our prayer prompts and challenges to the Lord in fervent faith-filled prayer, believing that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all that we could ever ask or imagine. Thank you for rejoicing with us as we share good news and glory stories with you. Thank you.

We are thankful for every one of our National Day of Prayer Task Force coordinators who not only prepare and plan tens of thousands of gatherings for the National Day of Prayer on the first Thursday of May every year but are also firmly rooted in their communities mobilizing unified public prayer for America and their neighbors every day. These passionate intercessors are the backbone of the prayer movement and pray around the clock, standing in the gap for our nation, states, and communities. They are also the heart, hands, and feet of the love of Jesus, serving and leading in churches and ministries at home to meet the needs and share the love and gospel message of Jesus every day. To our nearly 18,000 coordinators, and even more event partners, thank you.

I am thankful for our staff, our Board of Directors and partners who serve the Lord together in the unity that Jesus prayed and prompted. I am deeply grateful for the diligence and excellence each of these brothers and sisters pour into this ministry as well as the lives they live and the prayers they pray as followers of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the leadership of the past and all that God did in them and through them so that we get to continue to serve Him in this incredible mission and ministry. I am thankful for the generosity of giving and the sacrifices that are made to run with the assignment we have been given and most of all for every prayer prayed with us and for us. Yes, I know I said that earlier, but we are overflowing with gratitude, and I believe you can never say, “Thank you” too many times to God and people. Thank you.

Would you like to join me in thanking God now?

Lord God, we are overflowing with gratitude first and foremost for You. You are worthy of our praise because of who You are and we thank You for all You have established in our lives, in the National Day of Prayer Task Force, for all You have accomplished this year, for wisdom and relationships that walk in You, worship You, give to You, and who run to You in prayer, established in faith and lifting up our Nation to You. As always, I thank You for all of these incredible people that we get to pray and serve with every day, for Your glory and honor and praise. Thank You. In Jesus name, amen.

Serving Him with gladness,

Kathy Branzell

President, National Day of Prayer Task Force


End of Year Matching Gift!

Between now and the end of the year, is the season when non-profit organizations like ours receive most of their annual financial support. As you consider where you will give your year-end gifts, we ask that you prayerfully consider supporting the National Day of Prayer Task Force as we mobilize unified public prayer for America, in every state, city, and county in our nation 365 days a year.

We've had a very generous matching gift offer to match all gifts given through midnight on New Years Eve, December 31st, up to $20,000!

That means your $25 gift becomes $50, your $100 gift becomes $200, and your $500 gift becomes $1000 - effectively doubling our impact in 2022!

Click here to give online, or make a donation using your phone by texting GIVE to 844-578-0204.

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