Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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NDP Synergy

How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up? Deuteronomy 32:30 

Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

When two or more people combine their efforts and strength, effectiveness is increased. Power is also multiplied! Prayer synergy occurs when two or more come together as one and agree in prayer.

According to Deuteronomy 32:30, “One can chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight.”  Jesus is touched and moved by combined faith. The Amplified Bible states in Matthew 18:9: “Again I say to you that if two believers on earth agree (that is, are of one mind, in harmony) about anything that they ask within the will of God). It will be done for them by my Father in Heaven.”

On May 6th, the 70th Annual National Day of Prayer in the United States, events were held in Washington, D.C. and across the nation as many people prayed for God to pour out His Love, Life, and Liberty. Although prayer coordinators were in different locations, we were able to “raise our voices together in prayer” (Acts 4:14).

‘Together’ is a key that opens the door to the power of God. The King James Bible in Acts 2:1 says, the early believers on the Day of Pentecost were all gathered “with one accord.” What were the results? It was the filling of the Holy Spirit with boldness and Peter’s miraculous release from prison. There is a unique power that is produced by a group of people who are unified in purpose and action.  Praying with one accord can be accomplished even if the believers are gathered in multiple locations.

On NDP, I was blessed to pray on site with insight along with other members of the NDP Board and Staff at The World War II Memorial.  The World War II Memorial consists of 56 pillars, representing U.S. States and territories. The Pillars represent the unity of the United States during the war.

On June 6, 1944, on live radio, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked his fellow citizens to join him in payer as American troops were landing in Normandy.  In humility, Americans humbled themselves and prayed on one accord. As 2 Chronicles 7:14 states “If my people, which are called by my name, shall Humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

In 2014, President Barrack Obama signed into law the World War II Memorial Prayer Act (Public Law 113 – 123) directing that the prayer of President Roosevelt be added to the World War II Memorial. As we walked past each pillar and flag representing the U.S. States and Territories, I thanked God for living in a nation where there is a public law ((Public Law 82-324) that has set aside each first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer. While walking by each flag, I prayed for the National Day of Prayer coordinators and events planned across the nation.

On the morning of the D-Day landing, President Roosevelt prayed for the success of the Armed Forces of the United States and its World War II allies. He prayed for their bravery and that they would prevail over the enemy, protect America, and return safely to their families. On the National Day of Prayer, I prayed for the NDP Coordinators who were praying for our national and state leaders, praying for healing of our land and nation, and healing in the body of Christ, in our families, cities and communities. I prayed for the National Day of Prayer Coordinators who were praying for evil to be thwarted, derailed, and overturned. I prayed and thanked God almighty for their success, safety, strength, and protection.

The root word “syn” means together, and the combined Greek word “ergo” means work. Synergy is working together to do more than we can do alone. While faithful prayer warriors were praying in Washington D.C, our prayers were synchronized with the prayers of National Day of Prayer Coordinators across America and U.S. Territories. We are thankful for those that hosted prayer events in their cities, counties, states, churches, city halls, courthouses, high school and church parking lots, parks, businesses, planes, trains and automobiles!

Synergy makes the National Day of Prayer team stronger. It makes the NDP Network of Board Members, Staff and Volunteer coordinators more effective!  

Let's pray.

Loving Father, we pray for the synergy of all the faithful prayers that were lifted up on National Day of Prayer. Pour out your Love, Life and Liberty upon America continuously! Let your Kingdom come, and your will be done! In Jesus name, amen!


With Great Expectation,


Gwen Bradley

National Liaison for Prayer Mobilization and Partnerships

National Area Leader - Southeast

National Day of Prayer Task Force