Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Labor in Love, Work is Worship


Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, O judges of the earth. Worship the LORD with reverence and rejoice with trembling." Psalm 139:13-18




Greetings prayer partner,

Have you ever thought that you go to “worship” on Sunday and you go to “work” on Monday? According to God’s perspective we worship every day in many ways. The word “worship” in the Psalm 2:11 is the Hebrew word “abad” and it means, “to labor, work, do work and serve,” and it is used 290 times in the Old Testament. Have you ever connected your work as worship?

This is not just a reference to those who work in ministry or at church, it is referring to anything and everything that occupies our time and energy, thus the synonym for work, “occupation.” Whether you are a king, judge, waiter, preacher, accountant, teacher, military member, healthcare worker or domestic engineer also known as a stay-at-home parent, in all that you put your heart and hand to, God views it as worship that we should carryout with reverence and rejoicing.

Your daily activities have Heavenly purpose. We have written to you before about how every moment of your life has meaning and mission. The Creator of life and time does not waste it, He invests it for His plans and purposes which includes the sanctification process of maturing us and completing and perfecting the good work He has begun in us. The problem with “perfecting” is that it can be painful. I pray that you spring out of bed before your alarm every morning eager and excited to get to work, but before you start feeling guilty about hitting the snooze button or feeling strained as you are being trained remember that James 1:2-4 tells us that encountering various trials are a cause for us to consider it a joy with the knowledge that the testing of our faith produces stronger endurance and we must “let endurance have its perfect result, so we may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” While we are at work, God is at work in and through us for our good and His glory.

 How We Can Pray

We must be careful that the dreams we had when we went to work do not become something daunting. We cannot surrender our joy in the name of a “job” but hold tight to our joy in the name of Jesus. The author of our days is worthy of our praise as we clock in and even get knocked down in the hard days at work. I am constantly reminding myself that I don’t “have to", rather, "I get too”; it is a privilege to be able to go and grow at work knowing God does not want to kill us but fill us with fruitfulness and glory. As you step into this Labor Day weekend we are praying that your “worship” will include time of rest, laughter, and memories that you will treasure.

Will you please join us as we worship Him together in prayer?

 Jesus, You are our Master, our King, and Lord and we are your servants, yet You call us friends. Heavenly Father, You are the everlasting Creator of all that exists yet You call us Your beloved children. Every moment of our lives belongs to You and we desire to delight and glorify You in all we do. Help us to remember as we work, rest, care for our family, friends, homes and even learn, do homework, volunteer; in all we think, say, and do, we worship. Guard our hearts from making an idol of work, not worshipping money, positions, or influence. We will endure trials, challenging bosses, hard work, disappointment, and co-workers knowing they are our opportunity to magnify You and Your faithfulness. Remind us that we get to walk out Your Word and love as You grow and perfect us in Your perfect love. May we always rejoice and worship You with reverence and endurance. In the wonderful and worthy name of Jesus we pray, Amen! 
Serving Him with gladness,
Kathy Branzell