Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Integrity in Leadership


Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12

Paul encouraged Timothy to have integrity in upholding Godly values, and from his integrity Timothy would lead others through his influence of righteousness.

“Our values are like a riverbank—if it erodes, it interrupts the flow of living water,” said Dianne Ogle, founder and president of Areté Executive Women of Influence. “No matter what level of work, wherever we are at, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to uphold the riverbank—our values.”

Ogle has spent the last decade of her career following God’s call to encourage and equip leaders to carry a righteous influence in workplace, with a focus specifically toward serving executive women of faith through Areté. Through her work and service, the Lord has uniquely positioned her to understand the needs of business leadership, family life and the Christian walk.

In Ogle’s view, leadership isn’t about a position or a title. leadership is about trusting God to use our talents and influence whether we are caring for family members, employees, or customers.

 “People are always watching, so we need to be fully devoted to the Lord,” Ogle said. “We do more damage when we are lukewarm Christians—we can’t be pouring out godly truth without our daily infusion of living water.”

Our words and actions day in and day out speak a greater testimony than any speech. When our hearts are closely attuned with the Spirit, we will gain the discernment to see where God is providing a way of escape or the strength to bear a burden forward.

“There is this cultural temptation to compartmentalize work and worship, even though in Scripture we see the same root word in Hebrew for both worship and work,” Ogle said.

Worship is not just for Sundays, and work is not just for 9-5 during the week. Worship and work occur simultaneously when a parent prays over their children while packing school lunches, when a barista offers a word of encouragement to a co-worker and when a business leader treats an employee with grace and fairness. It’s about the heart posture of reverence and glory unto the Lord.

“Excellence in our workplace matters, even if we aren’t promoted,” said Ogle. “When God promotes us, it isn’t how the world looks. Interceding is important in our workplace, and even if we have not been promoted to be at the table where decisions are being made, we can still be in prayer for the people who are at the table.”

After all, Daniel performed all his tasks with excellence and was still thrown into the lion’s den. Daniel’s excellence in his work spoke the first portion of his testimony: allegiance to God alone. Later in his life Daniel experienced worldly promotion, but he remained faithful to the Lord throughout the trials in the interim.

May each of us boldly follow Daniel’s example of integrity and excellence to the glory of Jesus Christ!

Let’s pray.

Lord, you are our Good Shepherd; we do not lack anything under your watchful care. We pray for the leaders in our workplaces, that they would look to your example of shepherding with love and wisdom. We ask you to cultivate in each person a heart surrendered to you in every effort that we put our hands to, that Your goodness and mercy would be on display through out actions, day in and day out. Your glory is our one desire.

In Jesus name, Amen


Peace and blessings,


Amy Parks

Communications Coordinator

National Day of Prayer Task Force