Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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How Will Our Nation Look?

“First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4

We as Christians quote this verse every time the topic of praying for our government arises. And rightfully so! Paul’s exhortation to Timothy and his flock of believers is powerful and applicable, both to those early Christians, and to us today.

However, it can be so easy for this Biblical truth to fade into often-repeated background noise, just another ‘saying’ to toss into a conversation. We cannot let the truth in this scripture to fade away – it must be practiced to keep the flame of intercession in our hearts burning!

To help jumpstart my own practice of praying for all in authority, I have been asking myself reflective questions: If God answered every prayer that I prayed for the next month…. Who all would be saved and come into the knowledge of truth? Would my personal agenda reign, or would God’s righteousness? How much heavenly peace would flow down through our government into every community and street and school and hospital and business and church and… and to every corner of our nation?

How will our nation look in 25 days, on July 31st, after this network of intercessors in the NDP Task Force have spent the month praying fervently for the Government sphere?

It could look radically different. We see throughout scripture that God answers prayers, and in our own nation’s history that the Lord has answered and brought forth deliverance. The remembrance and rejoicing of God answering prayers is now enshrined in our National Mall as well!

On June 6th, 2023, a prayer wall was unveiled, after being added to one of our beautiful monuments on the National Mall. Now nine years after President Obama signed the legislation into law that would allow the addition, the project is complete and everyone who visits the WWII Memorial has the chance to reflect on the power of prayer. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s prayer for the nation on D-Day is now etched in a large plaque at the Memorial. What first echoed across America during a radio address to the nation is now displayed in our nation’s capital city. A portion of the prayer reads: Many people have urged that I call the Nation into a single day of special prayer. But because the road is long and the desire is great, I ask that our people devote themselves in a continuance of prayer. As we rise to each new day, and again when each day is spent, let words of prayer be on our lips, invoking Thy help to our efforts.

D-Day is known as the turning point in WWII, as Allied troops made headway across Europe toward the end of the war. Think about how the millions of prayers lifted up in unity, on D-Day itself and in the coming weeks and months as President Roosevelt challenged, changed the course of history!

The need for prayer never decreases, and never goes away, even as the present fades into history. God can answer our prayers today just as He did during WWII, and in this month of July, we cry out with faith-filled, fervent prayers for our government – all leaders at all levels. First and foremost for all to be saved, as 1 Timothy 2:4 states, and then for all to be filled with God’s wisdom. We pray for our leadership because their influence stretches far and wide.

Just as Americans joined in prayer on D-Day, we can join in prayer with an excerpt from the 2023 Presidential Prayer Proclamation: I pray that we can see each other as we should: not as enemies but as neighbors, and not as adversaries but as fellow Americans and human beings. Only when we see ourselves in each other will justice, as scripture tells us, “roll down like waters,” righteousness become “a mighty stream,” and America fulfill its true promise as a land of liberty and justice for all.

 Will you pray with me right now?

Lord, You are the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. As a believer, my ultimate citizenship is in heaven, but as a temporary resident here on Earth, I ask that You would guide our government leaders in the way they should go. Soften their hearts to see You as Lord and Savior, and follow You all the days of their lives. Lord, I pray that our leaders would set the tone in our nation. Just like the prayer from this year’s proclamation, I pray our leaders would walk in Spirit-led unity, guiding our nation into a heart position where righteousness is a mighty stream, where we see all leaders, fellow Americans, and neighbors as someone who needs the intercessors, petitions and prayers that the Apostle Paul prescribed. Thank you for the freedom to intercede for each leader in my community, city, state, and nation. In Jesus name, amen.

Peace and blessings,

Amy Parks

Communications Coordinator