Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Praying For Our Children's Children


Children’s children are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is their father.

Proverbs 17:6



As we continue the theme of praying for the family in the month of February, one of the most precious and most needed roles in the family, is that of the grandparent. ‘Children’s children’ are the crown, the honor, the ‘crowning achievement’ of the grandparents. The result and reward of their hard work in raising up their children in the way they should go, is now passed on to the next generation.

Our culture may tell you, ‘you’ve done your time’, and ‘you’ve raised your kids’, or ‘now it’s your turn’ – but that isn’t how God designed it.

God’s design includes a beautiful continuation of purpose for grandparents. You are still an integral part of the family, wielding wisdom and love – your role in your grandchildren’s lives is invaluable, shaping their character and nurturing their souls.

As you embrace this calling, remember that your influence extends beyond what meets the eye. Your prayers hold power in the spiritual realm, and your intercession for your grandchildren can pave the way for their flourishing in every aspect of life.

Fully embrace your role as a grandparent with joy and purpose, knowing that God is using you in mighty ways to leave a lasting legacy of love and faithfulness in the lives of the young ones in your life. 

How We Can Pray

By the way, If you don’t have any grandchildren of your own, let me encourage you to adopt some! Because of the mobility of our culture, I’m sure that there are children in your church or neighborhood that could use some ‘grandfatherly’ or ‘grandmotherly’ love, encouragement, and prayer.

Here are some prayer prompts to help guide you as you lift up these precious children before the throne of grace:

Pray for their spiritual growth: Heavenly Father, I pray that you would draw my grandchildren closer to you each day. Plant seeds of faith in their hearts, and surround them with godly influences that will nurture their relationship with you.

Pray for their protection: Lord, I ask for your protection over my grandchildren. Guard them from physical harm, but also shield their minds and hearts from the negative influences of this world. Surround them with your angels and keep them safe in your loving care.

Pray for their emotional well-being: God of all comfort, I lift up the emotions and struggles of my grandchildren to you. Help them navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and resilience. May they find strength in you during times of joy and peace in times of sorrow.

Pray for their future: Sovereign Lord, I entrust the future of my grandchildren into your hands. Guide them in their decisions, grant them wisdom beyond their years, and lead them in the paths of righteousness. May they fulfill the purposes you have ordained for their lives, bringing glory to your name.

Rejoicing in Hope,


Dion Elmore

Vice President