Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Called Higher


You and all of our cherished prayer partners have been in our prayers this week, as our staff takes time to pray for all who faithfully serve and support the National Day of Prayer.

We are especially interceding for those of you who have been affected by the tornadoes in Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, and Mississippi. In the family of Christ, we rejoice when others rejoice, and we weep when others weep. We pray for the Lord to be a refuge and comfort amid the devastation and loss.

As 2021 comes to a close, we reflect on the faithfulness of God and exalt Him, following in the call of our 2022 theme. We have seen His hand at work in many aspects of our ministry, and in particular in the great growth of our volunteer network! Read below to get to know our newest National Area Leader, Sylvia Williams.


Sylvia Williams Moves from Michigan State Coordinator to National Area Leader

“Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”  1 Kings 3:7-9

Scripture affirms God’s appointment of Solomon to the kingship of Israel after David died. While the nation may have expected another son of David to ascend to the throne, God’s plan determined the path rather than the expectations of man.

The Lord is still moving and calling His children into important assignments. This summer, our NDP volunteer leadership team added a new Midwest National Area Leader, Sylvia Williams.

“This is more than just doing something—I understand that this is an assignment from God,” Williams said. “It's a part of my calling and a part of my destiny, and everything I do, once I know that it's from Him, I do it as unto Him.”

This new assignment expands her influence and oversight to Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas. Sylvia first stepped into NDP leadership in 2017 as the Michigan state coordinator. She and her husband participated in NDP for several years with the previous Michigan state coordinator before God called her step into the position.

When presented with the opportunity to move into the National Area Leader role, Sylvia committed the decision to prayer, and felt that God has not just opened a door—He had given her a calling.

“He is the greatest motivator ever, when you know that you're doing what He tells you to do, that's all that's necessary,” Williams said. “It is not based on how I feel. It's based on my submission to Him.”

Before moving to Michigan and marrying her husband, Sylvia lived in Colorado and founded a women’s ministry there. While she is still involved with this ministry in Colorado, God used her marriage and move to Michigan to raise her up to lead a church in partnership with her husband. As she has transitioned into the National Area Leader position, she has been able to apply lessons from her previous ministry experiences to successfully navigate the needs of the Midwest region.

“He's prepared me for this, administratively, in my prayer life, in my discipline, and how He has matured me,” Williams said. “I'm not saying that I'm there, but I can look back on my life and see where God has strengthened me and prepared me, and then to know how He's used me in various situations in times past.”

Since being appointed as a National Area Leader, the Lord has called her to increase her daily and weekly prayer times. The increase in responsibility comes with an increased need for prayer and intimacy with God.

“As you mature in the things of God, you cannot focus on anything in the natural, you have to stay focused on the supernatural,” Williams said. “That's why it's important to know that what you're doing is God ordained and not just a good idea. I've had my days where I've wanted to quit, but that's just my flesh and I don't listen to my flesh.”

Sylvia’s determination and diligence are rooted in her dedication to her Lord and Savior. She has been walking with the Lord for decades, but still comes humbly to the throne in prayer with full trust that God is the source of her strength.

“The scripture that God gave me is the scripture that Solomon prayed, when he realized the magnitude of leading God's people and he asked God for wisdom: that he would have a hearing heart to lead God's people,” Williams said. “That is how I need people to pray for me: much, much wisdom. I really need the mind of God.”

Will you join in prayer for Sylvia Williams as she steps into this divine assignment?

Lord Jesus, You have designed and defined the steps that each of us will take in our assignment on Earth—thank You for preparing Sylvia to step into this new calling as a National Area Leader! I pray that Your wisdom will be her guide in every situation, and that You will establish her and each of the state leaders that you have appointed to serve with her, as they each mobilize unified public prayer for America. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


End of Year Giving

Between now and the end of the year, is the season when non-profit organizations like ours receive most of their annual financial support. As you consider where you will give your year-end gifts, we ask that you prayerfully consider supporting the National Day of Prayer Task Force as we mobilize unified public prayer for America, in every state, city, and county in our nation 365 days a year. Thank you for your generous support! Click here to give online, or make a donation using your phone by texting GIVE to 844-578-0204.

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