Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Abundant Love, Abundant Life

John 10:9-10 "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” NAS

As we continue praying through the 2021 National Day of Prayer theme and prayer: “Lord Pour Out Your LOVE, LIFE, and LIBERTY,” we focused on Jesus being our LORD in January. All of the promises and all that Jesus provided for us can only be claimed if we proclaim Him as our LORD and Savior. You cannot claim His promises while ignoring His principles. Obedience submits to His supremacy and secondly, as we focused on in February, it responds to His LOVE.

Jesus poured out His love for us as while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Jesus left heaven to come to dwell with His creation so that He could show us TRUE love as well as teach us Truth. He modeled the greatest love of all and then mandated His followers to go and live out love as He has loved us. I pray that you have taken significant time pondering how He has loved you. I am still counting the ways every day.

This month we expand our prayers and attention to the next word, LIFE. We often think of “pro-life” when we hear the word “life,” but life is found in all of our days as it is designed and defined by God alone. He knit us together in our mother’s womb in His image. We are His workmanship and Jesus, as the author of our days, wrote our purpose, prepared good works for us in advance and sent the Spirit to equip us for everything He has planned for us. LIFE begins in the womb and extends into eternity. Who your Shepherd is, and the voice that you follow through life, determines how, and eventually where, you will live out all of your days.

According to the Strong’s New American Standard New Testament Greek Lexicon, the Greek word in John 10:10 for “Abundantly” is “Perissos” and it means:

Exceeding some number or measure or rank or need

  1. over and above, more than is necessary, superadded
    1. exceeding abundantly, supremely
    2. something further, more, much more than all, more plainly

Please pause to ponder each of these words for a moment in view of how Jesus has added LIFE to your life; how He has divinely touched and added to the value and strength of your days. How has Jesus gone over and above and beyond anything you could have asked or imagine? How has He done exceedingly and abundantly more than any person would do for you and in your life? How has Jesus been supreme in your life?

I know these questions will take more than a moment to ponder, and certainly a lifetime to explore and experience, because our LORD pours into our life every day. His thoughts and ways are higher than our own, and so we lift up our prayers and surrender our will for His will to be done. The destiny that He authored, the purpose and meaning He gives to every moment of our life.

Will you join me in prayer right now?

Lord Jesus, I praise You as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I fully submit my life to You and thank you for laying down Your life for me. You designed me and defined me; no other person, culture or movement created me. You are the Potter and I pray today that I am soft clay easily shaped by Your loving hands. Help me to see and remember the daily blessings, the meaningful, fruitful, moments of all my days to lift up thanks and praise for the ABUNDANT life You alone provide.


Serving Him with Gladness,


Kathy Branzell


National Day of Prayer Task Force


The National Day of Prayer Resource Catalog is Ready! Prepare, Promote, and Pray!

Each year, we make National Day of Prayer promotional resources available so you can prepare, promote, and mobilize prayer on the National Day of Prayer. As you read this email, across the nation in every state our coordinators are eagerly planning prayer gatherings in churches, parks, city halls, state buildings and much more.

Some events are in person, some virtual, and some both – all in the spirit of MORE! We’re asking all of our volunteers to observe CDC and local guidelines while they rally thousands of events with thousands of people fervently praying this year’s theme, Lord, Pour Out Your LOVE, LIFE, and LIBERTY!

Click here to download a copy of the Resource Catalog now!