Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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The National Day of Prayer Task force encourages volunteers to hold Prayer Gatherings in their local areas. If you haven't already, please consider organizing or hosting and event yourself.

If you would like to refine your search, try the Gathering Search page.

State Events

1. National Day of Prayer, praise and prayer gathering
Click for Details
5/1/25 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
St. Joseph County Court House Lawn
Centreville, MI

The National Day of Prayer Committee of St. Joseph County MI will be hosting a Praise and Prayer event on the county Court House  Lawn, Centreville MI. The event will be over the noon hour( 12:00pm to 1:00pm) on May 1st 2025. This event is open to all people of all ages. There will be some seating provided but bring your lawn chair if need be.  Come prepared for the weather as we will meet rain or shine, cold or hot. We will pray for our country and several other topics. There will be a time of personal prayer following the event.

Prayer partner Barbara Kwiatkowski
125 W. Main Street
Centreville, MI 49032
2. Prayer Gathering at Centennial Park/Holland
Click for Details
5/1/25 12:15 AM - 12:45 AM
Centennial Park in Holland
Holland, MI

Gathering to pray at Centennial Park in Holland for all who are Christ followers to attend..

Please feel free to join those gathered at gazebo or prayer walk the park..


Jim and Marj Newhouse

Jim/Marj Newhouse
Central and 10th st downtown
Holland, MI 49423
3. National Day of Prayer Community Breakfast
Click for Details
5/1/25 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
New Hope Community Church
Williamsburg, MI

This National Day of Prayer we invite you to join us for a Community Breakfast at 7:00am, May 1st. Come connect with community leaders, enjoy a catered breakfast, and hear from our guest speaker Don Denyes, as we take time to pray for the nation. Don is Lead Pastor at South Church in Lansing MI. Individual open seating tickets are $20.00/person. Whole reserved tables of 8 are $160.00/table

Kathey Youker
5100 Bethesda Ct
Williamsburg, MI 49690