Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Pray for the Supreme Court

The eyes of many in the Church are watching closely an anticipated ruling this month by the Supreme Court of the United States regarding same-sex marriage. Many believe that this battle for the family and a traditional biblical view of marriage is already over. From a worldly perspective, that may be true. But we are a people of faith who put our trust in the Lord, not in courts, or presidents, or public opinion. The Word of God is filled with examples of God responding to the prayers of His people in miraculous ways that surprise a watching world. May He do it again as we humbly come before Him in prayer. We encourage you to pray though these points and scriptures regularly.
Here are some ways we might pray:
  1. Thank the Lord for the gift of family. Express your gratitude that family is God’s by design and not human invention.

  2. Ask for forgiveness on behalf of the Church for failing to model godly families before our society. We bear much blame for the deterioration of marriage and the family. (1 Timothy 5:8)

  3. Pray for help to live out God’s intent for the family. May our homes become outposts for God’s kingdom. (Acts 10:2)

  4. Confess our sins of responding to those caught up in a homosexual lifestyle with anger or hatred. Ask for help to love as Christ loves. (John 8:11)

  5. Pray that the Lord would show us in practical ways how to speak the truth in love according to His Word. (Ephesians 4:15)

  6. Ask God to pour out His wisdom on His people that we might see clearly the attack of the enemy on His design for marriage. May God’s wisdom give us insight into the results of tearing down traditional one man-one woman marriage. (James 1:5)

  7. Plead with the Lord for divine intervention upon the Supreme Court. Pray that He would give wisdom and courage to these jurists to respond in righteousness. (Job 21:22; Job 9:24; Isaiah 1:26)

A Model Prayer

Father, we are grateful to be able to call You that. To know that through Jesus, we have been brought into Your family. Thank You that our earthly families, as imperfect as they are, are a reflection of the eternal family for which You are our forever Father. Forgive us Lord, for not being better pictures of what the family is intended to be. Help us Lord to live out our lives in families with godliness, love, purity, and truth.

This broken world has affected all of us in so many damaging ways. We thank You for accepting us in our brokenness through Jesus, and for Your commitment to bringing us to spiritual and emotional health and wholeness. Forgive us as your people when we have gone on the offensive against those caught up in any sexual sin. Teach us how to live as You lived as You walked among us, Lord Jesus. We want to love as You loved and speak truth as You spoke truth.

From a place of humility before You, we plead with You Lord, to intervene to preserve Your intent regarding marriage. From the High Court of Heaven, would you step down into the Supreme Court of the United States to bring about Your will and purposes regarding the family? Give that wisdom which only You can give. Pour out righteousness upon our land. According to the word of the prophet Isaiah, would You restore our judges that they might rule according to Your purposes and desires? We ask this, for your honor and glory, in the majestic name of Jesus. Amen!

- Dr. David Butts - Chairman of America's National Prayer Committee

President, Harvest Prayer Ministries,
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