Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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Coordinator Video Library - 2020 Observance Events

Click on the videos below to hear how states around the nation observed the 2020 National Day of Prayer amid the Covid-19 pandemic.


Alabama state coordinator Shree Shaw Lovett shares how her state prayed in new settings and formats to safely observe the 2020 National Day of Prayer.


Maine - State coordinators and National Area Leaders Rick and Robin McLaughlin share how they moved to a virtual format for Maine's state observance.


Massachusetts - State coordinator Angelo Rajadurai shares an account of the powerful virtual 2020 state observance that included prayer warriors lifting up the mayor of Boston and other city leaders.


Minnesota - State coordinator Sharon Auldrich expresses her joy in the ways God moved to allow for a pre-recorded observance event to be broadcast across the state.


Nebraska - State coordinator Karen Bowling shares how her state leveraged virtual platforms to observe the 2020 National Day of Prayer.


Pennsylvania - State coordinator David Martin shares the two video components of the 2020 observance in Pennsylvania; one included a stuff bear, Penn, and the other lifted up prayers from all seven mountains of influence.


Rhode Island - State coordinator Cheryl Russell shares how she gathered over 200 people for a statewide prayer call on the National Day of Prayer.


South Dakota - State coordinator Amy Wagner explains how she worked to host a Facebook Live event at the state capitol, that was also broadcast on a local radio station.


Utah - State coordinator Ron Flessner shares how a small group of prayer warriors met at the Utah state capital to pray God's glory across the Earth.


Virginia - State coordinator Glen Lutz shares how Virginia observed the 2020 National Day of Prayer.


Washington D.C. - Chairperson for Capital City, Dr. Corinthia Boone, shares how Washington D.C. observed the 2020 National Day of Prayer amid the Covid-19 pandemic.


Wisconsin - State coordinator Joleen Helbig explains the different topics that prayer warriors from around the state lifted up during the virtual observance.


Wyoming - State coordinator and NAL Gina Gibson shares how she held a virtual proclamation signing with the governor and pastors from around the state.