Thursday, May 1 st , 2025
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How to Pray for Schools This Year

Try to imagine for a moment what it would be like to be a student going to school in fall of 2020. The phrase “going to school” has taken on an entirely new frame of reference as it could mean physically, virtually or a combination of both. I’ve worked with students for 30 years, and let me say that our pity won’t help our students, but our prayers will! At Claim Your Campus, we have over 40,000 middle and high school students meeting 1x a week to pray on their campus for their campus. Unlike ever before, our young people need our passionate prayer!

The first and best way you can support students this school year is to pray! Let me be specific on WHO and HOW you

The first and best way you can support students this school year is to pray! Let me be specific on WHO and HOW you can do this: 

1. WHO: Pray for students you know by face and name.

Think of a student you know…they could be a child, grandchild, a student from your neighborhood or church, etc. Pray for them. Name their name out loud before the Father in prayer. Years ago my wife Arianna felt the LORD impress upon her as she was praying for students that some of these students may never have their name mentioned before the Throne of God because they don’t have parents or others who care enough to do so. What a privilege to lift up our young people in prayer! And you may be the only one who is praying for a young person that God lays upon your heart to do so.

2. HOW: Pray for schools using the Claim Your Campus strategy

Pray for 4 things:

GRACE -pray for the believers on a school campus. Pray that they are faithful, compassionate, grace-filled, evangelistic and for prayer groups to start at their school.

PEACE -pray for relationships on a school campus. Pray that things like gossip, bullying, and respect amongst peers and the faculty would flourish and God would bring peace to relationships at school.

JUSTICE -pray for the environment of the campus. Pray for the academic environment, for protection from violence, and for racial equality.

MERCY -pray for the freedom of students of the campus. Pray for freedom for students from abuse, pornography and things that hold students back from being who God wants them to be.

Here’s a video that shows the 4 prayer strategies in action:

Learn more about these prayer strategies and the growing movement of students praying at

Jeff Eckart

Founder, Claim Your Campus

Member of NDP Board of Directors